Are you a book lover? Would you rather spend Friday nights on the couch snuggled in with a good book than go partying with your peeps? If yes, then I have the perfect place for you!
          I bring to you CLN’s Book Club. But don't be fooled, it isn't just your average book club. After all, it's run by the (self-proclaimed) craziest department of the Crazy Late Nighters Community.
          I'm sure you're asking why you should join this book club when there are so many others out there. Well, let me explain some of our clubs and activities and let’s see if you fall in love!
          This club for writers can be found on our Wattpad account (@\_CLNBC_). Join this book club to meet other lovely writers, gain experience in giving and receiving feedback, and get your book read! This club is currently being revamped, so add the book to your library for more updates.
          Reading Challenge:
          This activity can also be found on Wattpad. You will write a review on a chosen book and send it in the comments. Whoever has the best review judged by our book club admins will gain some great prizes! This challenge is closed for September, but will be back with a spooky story in October.
          Books on Fire:
          You can find this in our discord server. We will all vote on a book to read and then we will talk about it as we go along! This is beneficial if you want to bond with readers over books! We are currently reading Ice Cream, Teasing, and Awkward Situations.
          Holiday Book Read:
          This can be found on our Discord server. On a few select holidays, we vote on a book to read together. Join this if you’d like to celebrate these festivities the CLNBC way! We are currently prepping for the Halloween book read.
          Join our server and add our books to your library to receive announcements about these lovely clubs:
          See? Told you it was special! Just be warned. We aren't the craziest department for nothing. It’s all chaos with us 


Challengers, you have 5 days left for July’s challenge! Get reviewing! Remember, you don’t have to read the whole book. I only read fifteen chapters and I’m writing my review right now. So, just read till you think you can give a constructive review and then write it!


The Sun Sorcerer has decided to make an important change to our 24-hour contest - A Sun Till The End! If you plan on participating (and of course you do), I suggest you head on over to check out the two newest chapters for more information on this update. 
          We hope we'll get more participants this time. It would definitely be a waste if there was no one to claim our prizes. Good luck and happy writing!


Hey Clubbers! The June Reading challenge has started be sure to check it out! We have quite the story this month! 


But, if you would like to support us, do share this challenge to your profile!


@dre_young4 Don’t worry about it! We know it’s not for everyone! Just know that this month’s book is very good  


@_CLNBC_ Me personaly am one that gives the challenges but dont actully do them...ik a terraible thing to cope with


Mages and monsters, scribes and apprentices,
          CLNighters is here with another tournament for you to prove your mettle!  Follow the breadcrumbs over to our latest death match! "A Sun Till the End.”
          Intrigued? You shouldn’t be.But if you truly are, the concept is the utmost simplest. Once a fortnight, you will be given a one-line prompt and exactly a day (hence the name, 24 hours) to finish writing a story. We would rather you send in your story by pigeon, but all of them grew ill with a particularly sickening ailment, so they aren’t available. We are now relying on emails and Google form submissions whilst our feathery friends grow their intestines back.
          Now, what is in it for you? Other than adding a new story to the fairy tale saga, you mean? Well, should our taskmasters find your story the more enticing, you might get a solid, metal cauldron or an enormous supply of lizard tails, otherwise known as shoutouts, book reviews, editing, co-writing and more! 
          If you still want further information, maybe even advice on how to correctly hex your enemies, the link below is your best bet to finding out more. 
          Slide on those glass slippers and hurry over before midnight… but be sure not to break them. Who knows what will happen then?
          And be quick... for the clock is chiming its third. The tournament awaits. Your prince does not. And the rule breakers face the dragon’s den. 