
I wrote a really long thing but apparently these messages have character limits, so we won't be as lovey dovey as my first (attempted) post.
          	I am leaving the countryhumans fandom. I've been here since 2018 and I the string I've been grasping onto to stay in has finally snapped.
          	I will delete all my books on when the ball drops in NYC on New Years, but I will continue with my book that has yet to be completed. If it takes longer, I will post a new time for that book only.
          	You can all use my books no matter what and share them if you wish to keep them around.
          	Thank you all.
          	-Cakeee <3


@_Cakeeeeee_ oof, I just started reading rival schools and it's really good so far- sad to know that it'll be taken down soon :(


You were an amazing writer for the Rusame and countryhumans fandom. Your works had me transported into the characters world. I hope you enjoy whatever other project you’re working on.


@_Cakeeeeee_ Goodbye. Your books were awesome and you are a really cool author, but I respect your decision to leave. I wish you luck on your writing journey!


I wrote a really long thing but apparently these messages have character limits, so we won't be as lovey dovey as my first (attempted) post.
          I am leaving the countryhumans fandom. I've been here since 2018 and I the string I've been grasping onto to stay in has finally snapped.
          I will delete all my books on when the ball drops in NYC on New Years, but I will continue with my book that has yet to be completed. If it takes longer, I will post a new time for that book only.
          You can all use my books no matter what and share them if you wish to keep them around.
          Thank you all.
          -Cakeee <3


@_Cakeeeeee_ oof, I just started reading rival schools and it's really good so far- sad to know that it'll be taken down soon :(


You were an amazing writer for the Rusame and countryhumans fandom. Your works had me transported into the characters world. I hope you enjoy whatever other project you’re working on.


@_Cakeeeeee_ Goodbye. Your books were awesome and you are a really cool author, but I respect your decision to leave. I wish you luck on your writing journey!


          •A new book is in development right now! I plan to post it when it has 4 chapters at least! It will be medieval fantasy themed and will follow the story of a lowly knight who sets off to find and take down a wizard! (It will be countryhumans too!)
          •I'm finally going to finish Bouquet A Day! I've been neglecting it.
          •Rival Schools currently has a new plot being developed so it doesn't end super quickly! I'm really hoping I can execute this correctly so I don't cancel it again.
          • I want y'all's feedback on my writing, my stories, and yada-yada! Harsh, nice, any feedback would be appreciated please! :)
          Thank you all :)


I reread my own books and realized I'm going to have to rewrite them all, but honestly I might rewrite them on AO3. Who knows, but all the typos and what not are pissing me off 
          Also, FYI, I'm a practicing Muslim and Ramadan is coming up, so I won't be writing a lot for a bit. I'll try to update Bouquet A Day again and Rival Schools, but it might just be the Oneshot book that gets updated.
          Thank you all for your understanding:)


What's some of y'all's favorite countryhumans ships I can possibly utilize in my next book?
          (For the record, I will NOT do ships for countries like Third Reich, Soviet Union, and other rather agressive/horrible nations)
          Last question, would any of you read smut? (I used to write it but since long deleted my oneshot book. Some of may remember it possibly :0 )


@_Cakeeeeee_  well, my most, like MOST, and top most favourite is well, Rusame hahahaha...... :D
            My second favourite is Gerpol
            On number 3 is UKxFrance
            No. 4 goes to southkoreaXjapan
            And no. 5 is ukranada
            That's all for now
            And yes i would read smut


Watch out for a new RusAme book coming out :)
          It will be dark, however :(
          Should be out in the next hour, I have to draw a cover for the book :/
          And when I say it'll be dark, it's going to jump straight into death :D
          - Cake <3


@GlissBunBun666 what's life without a few tears ;)


@_Cakeeeeee_  :0
            You want me to cry, don't you author-san??? 