




Hi, I'm Rose, daughter of Aphrodite, from Camp Halfblood. Visiting Camp Jupiter. Where can I find Praetor Levesque? 


@_CampSPQR_ Okay! Thank you *salute* :)) and no worries, it's all good ;)


@KeephieMalfoy Of course!!! 
            Probably. . . mmmmm. . . I dunno. I would say Artemis, but she's a maiden.  I suppose Athena is pretty cool, so her?
            Well, the Amazons had him caged because he was a little violent and I saw he needed some love (It helps that he eats gold. . .) and I, personally, have always loved horses, so it wasn't a hard decision to keep him. He doesn't really like other people, but he does love me and I, him(:
            I would have to say shrimp scampi. What can I say, I love shrimp. 
            I hope these answered your questions! (((: Also, sorry I didn't respond, I'm hardly on this account . . . . Love youuuu