
Low key just got logged back in. Sorry it took so long I forgot my password and someone stole my phone a while back ago. I didn't have a phone for like a month oops rip I'll try to write some new content to make up for me ghosting wattpad


Low key just got logged back in. Sorry it took so long I forgot my password and someone stole my phone a while back ago. I didn't have a phone for like a month oops rip I'll try to write some new content to make up for me ghosting wattpad


Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been pretty busy over the summer with summer camps, and personal stuff. I'll try to get some more things posted before my next camp but I'm really sorry if I don't have time. Thanks for still following even though my post times are inconsistent


Sorry new chapters to stories are taking deathly long to conjure up in this psychopath's brain. I just totally scrapped like a few thousand words in Stay and decided, "Hey wait a second-no. This doesn't work." So now I need a filling to this doughnut. Lol aren't I just fabulous? The sarcasm really puts the... The-never mind. I tried to think of something funny, but the odds didn't work in my favor. Okay, I'm done now.