Bonjour, My name is Chloé and I'm 17 living in the middle of nowhere with a handful of friends I can count on just two hands and everyone being exceptionally British. I'm petty af and here's an itemized list of thirty years of disagreements. 
I live by one rule of if they don't like musical's you probably can't trust them that much and that History does and will repeat itself. Oh and I love History.
  • Garswood
  • JoinedNovember 5, 2016


Stories by Chloe
Dalliance by _ChloeCats
Dalliance;- A short love affair Every time Marcel falls in love since 1665 it has been a flicker in his exis...
Augenblick by _ChloeCats
Augenblick: German, A fleeting moment that is incredibly significant. 'In the blink of an eye' Boy meets bo...