
I love chocolate cookies...


@biscillia Great minds think alike! :D But yours is better because of the snickerdoodle icecream sandwiches<3


Yah know it ;-)


I take it you watch Fairy Tale?


@Pikagirl4444 OH and sorry about the late reply! I was on punishment and she took literally ALL the devices like phones, tablets, laptops, game systems, DS's, and even the computer monitor!! (-_-")


@Pikagirl4444  0.0 She broke it in half?? There must have been a war happening in your house that day! And don't worry about being slower than molasses! We all can't be speed racer! I mean, you know what they say-- K¡|| anyone who touches your cookies-- I mean Slow and steady wins the race!! (^-^")


@CookieYumYumNess X3 I think it would be pretty fun to go on adventures with you! And my devices are my precious babies too. When my sister broke my 3DS in half I chased her around the house with a metal baseball bat. Sadly, she's faster than a skinny cat. I, am about as fast as a 3 legged turtle. Except when I run, then i'm about as fast as a delusional baby rabbit with 3 legs. Still a bit faster than the turtle I guess. X3 I'm so slow.