
So hello my people I have been brought to my attention or well some one said that it would be nice to have a book in Spanish but I am not so good a writing on Spanish so I decided to write about cd9 I don't know them but I talked to family in Mexico and I guess there like a Mexican version of one direction but I will not write it full Spanish but it will be like Spanglish in a way but thanks I will update all my books soon 


@_CinaferonteRubi_  i WilL uPdAte aLl mY bOoks sOoN


So hello my people I have been brought to my attention or well some one said that it would be nice to have a book in Spanish but I am not so good a writing on Spanish so I decided to write about cd9 I don't know them but I talked to family in Mexico and I guess there like a Mexican version of one direction but I will not write it full Spanish but it will be like Spanglish in a way but thanks I will update all my books soon 


@_CinaferonteRubi_  i WilL uPdAte aLl mY bOoks sOoN


Sorry I haven't written any thing for between love but it's not that I have been busy or anything I just thought that this wasn't a good story but it has 12 viewers so I will keep writing that story so thanks I know how you feel so super sorry and I want to give all of you a shout out for being so patient I am truly sorry and I promise to write more often