Last night I couldn't sleep at all and I didn't know why... well I though it was my ears since they were bubbling and hurting like "YO SAVANNAH, IMMA MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!" but my nose was also running A LOT I even tasted blood in my throat, but I didn't think much of it. And so I stuffed with tissues and ears all through the night until 3:30 in the morning, I then was able to fall asleap. I woke up and I didn't bother looking at my bed and went down stairs to eat something and have me medicine so I can just go back to sleep. That's what I did but my nose was extremely stuffy so I blew my nose, then out of no where my nose started bleeding hardcore mode. My nose never EVER bled before. *I now leave an important detail out cuz it's too hard to explain rn* so I checked my bed and there was blood all over my pillow and a little on my covers. :( omg I am so scared but my parents think it's just because I'm sick, just cuz this happened to my brother when he was sick when we went traveling. Oh and btw my nose is STILL BLEEDING!! IT WAS BLEEDING!! I'M SURPRISED I DIDN'T DIE FROM BLOOD LOSS!!