
In regards to the Kyman fanfiction, I’m placing a gentle reminder that the chapters seen differ greatly from one another. To those who read from the very beginning to now, you’ll know that each chapter took months to write (mainly because I don’t come back to it). That being said, Just know that the beginning chapters are pretty bad as they’re written from younger me compared to older chapters. Not sure if my writing style changed or not


In regards to the Kyman fanfiction, I’m placing a gentle reminder that the chapters seen differ greatly from one another. To those who read from the very beginning to now, you’ll know that each chapter took months to write (mainly because I don’t come back to it). That being said, Just know that the beginning chapters are pretty bad as they’re written from younger me compared to older chapters. Not sure if my writing style changed or not


Ok so, the Fnaf story I made is deleted. Why? I just hate it. There was no actual plot, and it’s not even a known ship. Plus it was cringy. While I did try to update It, I couldn’t. I know the end for it still. It goes like this: The big problem they had to solve was finally solved, and the last scene was a confession from Toy Fred. It was a sweet little end I had planned. To the very few who read, thanks for picking it up. Sorry I didn’t finish


Well...can I have a joe
          Id like to order one....one Samuel
          Have you seen my son?His name was Samuel ....


*Finds Samuel behind a prison with a cup of Coffee* is this here bOi yours? 


*finds him and gives the cat*Here...NOW HELP THIS OL’ LADY FIND SAMUEL *albert voice*


@EddThePiece Idk man, have ya seen my cat chocolate? She done goofed