this message may be offensive
My gym teacher cried today because the fucking boys in our class don't know how to stop insulting one another and she started feeling like a bad coach.
Fuck in my opinion she's SAVED MY LIFE. As soon as I hugged her after her speech she began to cry again, saying that all she wanted was for us not to insult eachother. God she's to sweet, I love her.
She deserved more then those stupid minded men, like. Tears were running down her face and I wiped them. Believe or not but I'm a very sympathetic person, and what I saw today broke my heart.
No woman should be treated in such a way and no woman should feel useless, she may have said that my friend set a bad example and I got mad, but that was reasonable. She loves me and I love her, we have both said such. And that motherly daughterly love we share shall never fade. I shall comfort her and she shall do the same for me. Because she is the best gym coach I have ever had and will ever have.
I want her to have the fucking world because those boys need to be punished. Like tf.