Bill had been following the other in the forest, curious about the guy he'd never seen before. Sure, he saw tourists a lot, but none of them strolled off into the woods like this guy.

@_DeerHunter_ "Woah there, buddy!" He laughed and held his hands up. "Yes, a cliff. Or just a really steep, rocky hill." He shrugged and grabbed the others wrist to pull him along and show him, being careful not to 'accidentally' shove him off the edge. "See? Completely hidden! Death trap!"

@_DeerHunter_ Bill started following more lazily before just calling out. "I wouldn't go much farther." He floated closer, trying to catch up. "There's a cliff just a few more feet ahead. Barely noticeable and practically a death sentence. Kinda funny to watch people just unexpectedly fall."