
Chapter 2 of Turbulence is up darlings! Lmk what you think 


Hey Guys! I'm not sure who's still with me and who's not, but this is for all my readers that are still here.  I've been gone for a VERY long time. Right now, I'm about to go into my last year of college and can I say it's been A LOT. On this particular day, I woke up thinking about all of you and how much I missed writing.  So I decided to pick it back up. At first, I thought to start over, but after rereading Limerence, I realized just how invested in Charli and Xavier's story that I am. So I decided to continue with the sequel. Chapter One of Turbulence is up now! Go read, comment, and like. I'm a little rusty to please bare with me.


How do I read private pages for "Limerence". I'm late in discovering this story, but really enjoying it and I absolutely love your writing style. Hopeing I can get to read all the chapters.


@mrsbehayvin Hey love, I'm so so so late. But the only private chapter that I had was Chapter 7. Wattpad unpublished it after they removed the private chapter feature, but its newly published for you to read.


Can you give me the link of chapter 7 from Limerence? It doesn't show up and I feel like I'm missing something.


@Simplyprinceton Sorry that I'm so late with this. However, you're not missing much. https://www.wattpad.com/164911785-limerence-j-p-07-lesson-1