First two rewritten chapters for ‘Fake’ is up now! The alternate chapters will be finished somewhere in Sunday
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First two rewritten chapters for ‘Fake’ is up now! The alternate chapters will be finished somewhere in Sunday
First two rewritten chapters for ‘Fake’ is up now! The alternate chapters will be finished somewhere in Sunday
‘Fake’ is quickly getting its rewrite done! It’s small, mostly me combining two chapters into one and adding new paragraphs of information. Once I’m finished rewriting what chapters are already there, I’ll be publishing. Expecting it to be done in the weekend
Hello everyone! I’ve been gone for a bit, at least on this account. I realized that I can’t just move everything into my new account, you guys know this one for its books and you might not be interested in going somewhere else for them. Besides, I’m not even sure why I moved accounts besides wanting to start over (I could’ve done it without getting another account) and feeling special for it (I’m not). So, we’re going to go through this weird phase of me updating on both accounts. Old me had some decent stories, which I had taken off when I moved accounts. I don’t know why, so I’ll be adding them back on.. after a small rewrite of them. So, ‘Fake’, the rewrite of Reincarnated as Fresh Sans, along with others, are getting their small rewrites before going back up! I wish to rewrite Reincarnated as Underfell Sans but it’s too far gone now. I’ll be instead attempting to finish it so I can put behind the cringe. My second account will most likely be put on a small hold while I focus on this. It’s been two years now, and I’ve been thinking back on how stupid I was for this. Which is why this whole announcement exists at the moment. Trying to fix some stupidity :D thanks for reading lol
IMPORTANT NEWS! I couldn’t wait so I went ahead and made a new account. The username is @-LoomingCastle- if it doesn’t work then I’ll have it post a comment here
I just remembered about uploading books onto my other account till now Though I think I can finish it either today or tomorrow and start uploading books after that. I may rewrite and edit some chapters of some books because I used to be a bit cringy back then (though sometimes I’m a bit impressed with my past self maybe I’m not as dumb as I think..). Anyways I think I’m going to upload my Reaper Oneshot book first since it’s already finished then I’m going to work on my reincarnated as Killer sans book. Though I’m going to give it a different name because the name is too long. If you want you could help with name ideas. Anyways, I swear I’ll post an announcement with my new account username (I haven’t even made one yet because I still need to finish copy and pasting all my books onto my notepad app with my account still so I could copy and paste them back onto my new account since I don’t know any better way) I’ll still have my old account on my phone though so if anyone wants to ask questions while the new account isn’t up yet then you’re welcome to.
UPDATE! I’m going to be un publishing my books and then moving my books onto my new account however I will only publish them one at a time. Don’t be alarmed if a book is unpublished, I will post my account username once I finish everything.
Important announcement for all my followers!! I’m going to leave this account for a bit, a while maybe, maybe actually never coming back to it? I just kind of feel like starting all over back to the start. What that means is I’m leaving. Gone. Disappear. Muerto. Well I kind of have been dead these couple last months. Which I want to fix! …By starting all over. I can’t keep track of my stories anymore and wished that I could’ve just finished one at a time which I am planning to do on my new account! I’m literally going to try an actual schedule and going to try to be more hardworking on my books. Though sadly this means I’m leaving my old books behind. Even if I never finished them. I’m so sorry about that! Though maybe I’ll come back every once or so in a while and try to finish them. Though probably not much of you all would even see this announcement because who the hell checks my announcements anymore except for like three people?? And also yeah sorry I’ve been dead on discord, I kind of have some sort of trauma keeping me away from it right now (Imagine I try making a new account under some new name? Wait I might actually do that-). But anyways! I’ll make my new account and maybe post it in my announcements? Maybe.. But then I’ll get followers just because they are from my old account instead of getting followers for my newest work! Ah well, I’ll figure it out eventually I swear.. -.- Also yeah you can figure out I’m doing much better mentally! Maybe it was worth it being away from all my negative online friends and not having the negativity affect me? Or was it just because I got new friends? Oh well. I guess this is maybe our final goodbye. Bye!!
@_Dist0rtedVisi0n_ Let me say this..Breathe..this is basically a break and I am totally fine with it! Also if you do make another please tell me so I can follow there too!
@_Dist0rtedVisi0n_ Till we meet next time. Hope to see you soon, take your time...
One of my classmates keep saying their mom is dead.. I literally met their mom and now some of my other classmates are pointing them out on it.
A challenge for myself or other people if they also want to try it out! Name a food and I(and possibly others) will draw a character inspired by it.
If I stare at something long enough it seems like it’s moving. That’s what’s happening when I look at the top of the bathroom wall where there is a bump that just looks dark since it’s so high up there (well that’s what my mother said). Not so sure it’s a bump anymore when it has legs and it’s LITERALLYYY MOVINGGG - I am very terrified of bugs. Butterfly’s are fine but I’m not letting any of them near me anytime soon. Safe to say I’m not going to that bathroom for a while..
@_Dist0rtedVisi0n_ I did the same thing when I was younger lol There was this huge spider shooting on a web in a corner of my room near the ceiling, and long story short I decided to stay up all night in the basement, (I was reading on wattpad on the PC downstairs), and my mom eventually woke up at 1 in the morning and when I explained the situation she got the vacuum and vacuumed it I refused to go to my bed, but I think she forced me to, or I ended up staying awake under my blanket all night (Now I'm not scared of spiders; as long as it's not in the bathroom or not moving, I won't scream or anything but I will still avoid that room for a very long time)
When I was kid we had a computer right in front of a giant window and of course we had blinds in front of it it wasn’t one of those like curtain with fabric but it was one of those plastic where you like pull string and it goes up and goes down and it’s like you know a lot of plastic ones that you see everywhere and there is a moth that was bigger than my hand and start fluttering inside it inside the blinds freaked me out really bad because it looked like a small bird got it threw the window and my sister like screamed bc she was at the computer but my dad was able to get it at the house
@UtAU4life I remember when I was younger that I swore I saw something big moving when I was staring at the wall at night when I was just about to go to bed. I get off my bed and turn on the lights and apparently it was some big cockroach. My parents murdered it and sprayed bug spray around my bed but I refused to sleep in it for around two weeks because I was scared that there would be more bugs. I probably would still do the same if it happened again.
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