
hello kittens it me Yuki Chan here i just want to say i have a new channel called @YukiCHAN768 so i can start over and stuff so yay nothing else to say so bye kittens


Hello again it looks like we have two more pastas to join the outcast wait you didn't know there was a group called the outcast?oh yes I'm so sorry i forget a lot of times to tell you that I have a clan called The Outcast ya ya i know I'm zalgos  younger sis but that doesn't mean I have to be in his clan oh great it looks like I wasted my time oh well~ like always have sweet dreams 


Hello my dear Vic-uhh I mean my dear readers~ it's me Doctor BlackStar so how have you been? Well as you can see I'm new to wattpad  well i guess I can't stay long but just know I have a clan i guess called the outcast it has me,Mark The Shape Shifter,Dead Author,Ghost Author and Hayden The Reaper...well I guess this is a good bye for now....I'll see you again