
how do I study for Neet I can't even focus for 2 hours continuously like I started with basic maths yesterday and I am still stuck at it.. 


NEET pressure is so real can't even breath for a second without someone pointing it to me to study and not waste time 


@_Dollie-Googie_ you should try watching Pankaj sir's (from PW) video lecture for organic chemistry


@_Dollie-Googie_ 11th physics went terrible for me as well and my physical chemistry lowkey sucks too :') I like organic chemistry tho


@arilovesdonuts I messed up my 11th too my physics and organic was very weak in 11th and now we have very less time to prepare everything 


do signature should be done with your full name in board exam ? I have messed up with signature and I am so afraid rn 


@_Dollie-Googie_  don't worry its not that big of a problem 


@_Dollie-Googie_ the boards surely do cause a problem if signatures r not the same. Idk what will happen further but my teacher stictly told me not to change the sign until board examinations.


@myworldbts1306 but like would it hold my result if signature are not exactly same ?? 


I forgot password of this account how do I get to know it? I am actually getting new phone this one is going to someone else I have to delete everything in this and get it into new.. I don't wanna delete this I'd but I won't be able to login in with new phone without knowing password..
          someone help me please 


@_Dollie-Googie_ while signing in u can click on forgot password and sign in through ur gmail. from there u can later on change the password


Finally! tomorrow is my last exam and then I will be freeee!!!! 


@_Dollie-Googie_  oh Neet is one heck of an obstacle but you can do it! 


@-btslife got free from boards but the real stress is coming in the form of Neet so gonna start preparing for it.. 


@_Dollie-Googie_  'm doin good ! What abt you?
            Indeed been way damn long


so I just started watching this new kdrama and it's so so sooo good.. just one regret that I started it too soon and now I have to wait for a week for the next episode.. 
          meanwhile my boards gonna start on 1st Feb and I can't get myself to focus on it.. 


@_Dollie-Googie_ Economics I hope everything will be alright and all the best for your exam .


@JungLalisakook which subject you are going to give tomorrow? 
            if you already did revision don't worry! be confident and everything will be alright..
            I just started this morning and I am not even prepared yet so you are doing well compared to me!!


@_Dollie-Googie_ At my 10th board I was very careless that's why this time I have prepared for my exams I have already revised all subject but I have a very bad habit of forgetting things so I am very scared that what if I forget everything in exam.


I might be probably the only one who still haven't read captain Jeon I just can't make up my mind to read it no matter how famous it is 


@_Dollie-Googie_ me too because I can't bear sad endings 


@_Dollie-Googie_  same, I also haven't read it yet. It's just so painful to think that I can't make-up my mind to read that story. I don't like sad stories, they gives me trauma for  months. 


@_Dollie-Googie_ Same buddy same...I'm just not signing up for that