
Posted an update shortly explaining what happened to me and my plans for FwaPoG. It was longer and went into more detail, but I know a lot of you just want to know when next chapter update will be. I can’t really say because I’m still trying to recover my driver files :/ Just know it won’t be another 3 years...


@_Emalf_ 3 years, huh? That's a long time, dude. But I will wait for it just like I've always been.


Greetings, I literally just had to break the 4th wall just to speak to you Emalf. And before you ask who or what I am, just know that it is not of your concern whatsoever. You see, out of all the individuals that I have meet, seen, or peeked my interest during my travels in the whole multiverse, you somehow caught my attention. Why you ask? I have "seen" that you still have some affections towards this Yosafire demon. But was it really wise of you to live in the Gray World only to meet with hate and anger by those you tormented during that meaningless invasion? I'm not even going to ask how or why you are Ivlis' right-hand man, not that I care really. But I mustn't get too off topic, I'm here to offer you something rather... meaningful, a second chance you would say for you and the others in the Flame Underworld to be redeemed. What do you say? Would you like me to give you that second chance? You can take as much time as you want. I'll be awaiting your answer. Oh, and before I forget, feel free to ask me anything whatever come to your mind.


Posted an update shortly explaining what happened to me and my plans for FwaPoG. It was longer and went into more detail, but I know a lot of you just want to know when next chapter update will be. I can’t really say because I’m still trying to recover my driver files :/ Just know it won’t be another 3 years...


@_Emalf_ 3 years, huh? That's a long time, dude. But I will wait for it just like I've always been.


FwaPoG Chapter 10 is up. I had three drafts saved on wattpad but one thing led to another and I had to recover these files from my old phone. Luckily I was able to complete it fully so I hope you all enjoy. See you guys next week!


Also if ur wondering why i made my come back announcement early, it’s cuz I want to give people time to see it rather than push it put all in one day. There’s a lot I want to say but I’ll gradually answer any questions you have before then here


I’d also like your opinions on AO3, wattapad has changed too much for my liking...


@DarnYouWithCoolNames i see, thank you though! Any type of input really helps! ^^


@_Emalf_ it's been awhile but from what I remember, the community was pretty small but welcoming to new people. I'm not very active in the community now a days though sorry 


@DarnYouWithCoolNames yes I’ve actually posted some other fics on AO3 these past years. It’s a lovely site and I think the organization is way smoother. My only problem is I’m not sure how comfortable long time readers would be with a transition to it. Do you know how active, and how welcoming the Okegom/DPS community is there, if by chance you’re active in it? ^^; 