
We have posted all our stories again. 


It has come to our attention that Wattpad has been hacked. We have taken all of our stories off the published list to avoid being hacked ourselves. Please bear with us for we will be back on in short order and be updating even more stories. Thank you. Have a nice day. 
          P.S. Our two month anniversary will be in two days. 


We just found out that we now have 200 followers, and we thought that was a reason to celebrate, so we have decided to post a story we have been working on for a few months that is satirical, sarcastic, and rudely humerus.  We also have another reason to celebrate... If you've looked, you would have noticed that we added a date to the bio (5/1/26).  Well I (Nic) asked Emily out on this date.  Now everyone has been waiting quite a while for this, and when I asked her, she stood up on the seat, after saying yes, and yelled, "Guys!  Nic grew balls and asked me out!!!"  So I'm going to go release this chapter.  Please comment on it and notify us if anything offends you!


             Isn't it like a guy to get the date wrong. XD 


Sorry for the lack of activity, we are both instrumentalists and this is the time of year where contests take place and we have been really focused on school. The end of instruction and finals are coming up then summer.  I plan on posting a lot over summer.  We have a story coming but we want to get into it before we publish a part to be able to keep posting at a steady pace. It'll be a nice satirical comedy.


Are you two are sisblings?
          Btw thanks for the follow..감사함니다!!


Sorry for the late response. 
            No we are not siblings, nor are we related. We are just close  friends who got bored and started a joined account. :)