
Hey there! Thank you so much for adding "Burning Gods & Wicked Angels" to your reading list. This doesn't go unappreciated. Enjoy the rest of your read, if you've started it, and if you have yet to start, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day. — Denise


Thanks heaps for adding A Dragon's View to your reading list! I hope you enjoy the book.


I completely understand! You've already gotten through quite a bit. I'm just starting my holidays, so hopefully I'll be able to start going through on my own and making things easier for you. I hope you have a nice day as well!


@SilentSilverSlip Sounds good. I'm sorry I haven't done much yet, I just got back from spring break and school is already breaking my back XD I'll have time this weekend to just sit down for a few hours and edit. Have a nice day :)


Sounds like a plan! I'll probably start looking things over tomorrow, and can add my own editing in there while I do so.