Restarting The Golden Past again. LMAO— 1. I really wanna respect that Molten is canonically aroace. I myself am probably aroace. TBD really—! Yes, it is a fanfic, but honestly now that I am a bit older I just want to respect that artistic decision for Molten’s character. I also did not want to stray far from my original vision, which was a Molten X Lefty fanfic that went my way. 2. I wanna delve more into a fatherly figure Molten idea. The idea that Baby could see Molten as a father after Springtrap just did not care about her anymore resonated with me. Especially after all this time and how Molten acts with Gregory and Steve. Yes, AI Afton is there, but he isn’t really her dad. He is also very short lived, is not around often, and his stories end in a very ambiguous way unless I missed the information on what happened to him. But besides that ADHD rant, I kinda want Molten to see Lefty as a child now??? Sounds so bad looking at the fanfic currently LMAO— I want their vibe to be an annoyed big brother/fatherly figure who loves their little bro/son LMAO! So yeah. The Golden Past 3.0 is a go as of today!

@ableBrightrider oh wow lol. Never knew this. I always found it so fascinating how they connected lore over many different channels, but that also made it near impossible to know all the lore, especially since the other channels are different dimensions sometimes and also has its own ‘laws’ so to say.

@_Fluffy_Stars_ which is actually just awful now that I think about it since that meant AI afton just decided to never go back to his dimension once he regained his memories (since he had amnesia)

@_Fluffy_Stars_ Man I'm late to this but I don't check wattpad often. We actually do know what happened to Ai Afton, from JonJon's channel, basically Springtrap got upset at Ai afton (or such) and ended up killing Ai afton by beating his systems into a unrepairable state (though it is implied heavily that Springbonnie/Springtrap, from the Minecraft FNAF channel that was ran by Davis and Jon, is to be Ai Afton)