
If anyone criticizes your writing, just remember this: You. Are. Writing. 
          	You are bringing a story from your imagination and putting it down so that others can experience it too. And that is something that takes time, dedication, and a whole lot of courage. It's easy to pass judgement on something that no doubt could be better, but it's an entirely different thing to be the one bringing that something into existence from nothing. 
          	I've learned a lot since joining Wattpad in 2015 and I'm happy to say that, while scoffers may roll their eyes at the "cringe" of my books, I can laugh at my silly and corny youngster writing because I see my growth. At the time, that was the best I could write, and I wrote the best I could (yo, I wrote over FIFTY chapters!). I saw it all in my imagination and I was open and vulnerable in writing it down to share with others. I was also able to process a lot of things through writing those imagines, and although they're not perfect they truly mean a lot to me. 
          	Am I a perfect writer now? Ha! Of course... Not! xD There's no such thing. If I'm not looking back and saying "Oosh, I can do better" then I'm not growing. No one can expect a first draft to be perfect because it's never going to be. Could I rewrite all of my imagines? Sure. But I don't want to. That's where I was at the time, a piece of myself. And, even though I would do things differently now, I am happy with the way they are. 
          	Don't focus on the past mistakes, move forward. Imagine. Write. Get lost in the world you're creating and HAVE FUN with it. Don't worry about what others will think of it. Write what makes you all sparkly inside and I guarantee that if it impacts you then it will impact others as well. Your writing might not shift the entire world, but it will shift the world of those who read it. So keep writing.


@_GallysGirl_ Well said!! And all these responses are so heart warming! c:


@_GallysGirl_ I might seem like some silly chick, but I've always enjoyed reading what you write, even if I'm not very active or read on here much anymore. Like you said, people will scoff and call some writing "cringe," but to everyone out there, there will always be people who your writing is right for, fun to read for, exciting for and who just want to freak out with you. I don't write much, but this really encouraged me to be more confident in what I create: my art. Like she said, it's important to have fun and know that, hey, your writing or art or whatever will never be perfect, but it sure will be good for you at the time <3


@_GallysGirl_ I don’t remember what was in it. I’d have to find it and if I still have it, I don’t know where it is


Didn’t realize messages are no longer a thing, but i just wanted to check in and say I’m sorry for dropping off the face of the earth there for so long, had sooo much going on. Anyways, I hope you are doing well :)


@YouThoughtYouKnewMe Okie dokie! I resent it! Hopefully it goes through this time, lol. xD And yeees, fall is very nice. ^U^


@_GallysGirl_ hey! Yes I think it didn’t go through, I checked spam but nothing :/ 
            Thanks! It’s the most beautiful time of the year :)


@YouThoughtYouKnewMe Hey! So I emailed you back in August, not sure if you received it? Maybe it went to spam? Who knows. Just wanted you to know that I did indeed email you, haha. I can send it again if it didn't go through or something. Anyway! I hope that you and your family are having a wonderful fall season! God bless!!


Hi dear, something went wrong I guess because I couldn't reply to your text. Just wanna let you know that I'm sorry for my MIA for so long.
          Been missing you even through my disappearence.
          I hope you're doing fine. Amazing even. See ya! 


@PeridotPrimRose Hey!! It is so wonderful to hear from you! I've missed you! I've been doing great, and now I'm even better that you're back on Wattpad, haha! I hope you've been doing amazingly yourself! It's so great to see you!


Also congrats on 500 followers you deserve it!!!!


Thank you this made me smile !! ( you really do deserve it!!!!!!


@daniqueceline Thank you so much! And deserve? Nah. xD I just write what I see in my head and have a blast interacting with those who read it, lol. ;) I'm honestly floored and heart-warmed that the stories I've written have had a positive effect on such wonderful people such as yourself. ^U^ Keep on being your incredible, unique self. Shine like only you can! 


500 FOLLOWERS!!! YOU DESERVE THEM ALL!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@mh163000 Ah! Thank you so much for your kind post, you totally made my day! ✨
            And whaaaaa  - I JUST saw that - it's craaaazyyyy! I can hardly believe it, I don't even know what to say. I'm humbled that the stories I write are enjoyed, and that posting them on this platform it enables me to meet and talk to such incredible people like yourself.  It's such a privilege, I couldn't be more blessed.  Again, thank you so much! And may you be ever inspired! 


If anyone criticizes your writing, just remember this: You. Are. Writing. 
          You are bringing a story from your imagination and putting it down so that others can experience it too. And that is something that takes time, dedication, and a whole lot of courage. It's easy to pass judgement on something that no doubt could be better, but it's an entirely different thing to be the one bringing that something into existence from nothing. 
          I've learned a lot since joining Wattpad in 2015 and I'm happy to say that, while scoffers may roll their eyes at the "cringe" of my books, I can laugh at my silly and corny youngster writing because I see my growth. At the time, that was the best I could write, and I wrote the best I could (yo, I wrote over FIFTY chapters!). I saw it all in my imagination and I was open and vulnerable in writing it down to share with others. I was also able to process a lot of things through writing those imagines, and although they're not perfect they truly mean a lot to me. 
          Am I a perfect writer now? Ha! Of course... Not! xD There's no such thing. If I'm not looking back and saying "Oosh, I can do better" then I'm not growing. No one can expect a first draft to be perfect because it's never going to be. Could I rewrite all of my imagines? Sure. But I don't want to. That's where I was at the time, a piece of myself. And, even though I would do things differently now, I am happy with the way they are. 
          Don't focus on the past mistakes, move forward. Imagine. Write. Get lost in the world you're creating and HAVE FUN with it. Don't worry about what others will think of it. Write what makes you all sparkly inside and I guarantee that if it impacts you then it will impact others as well. Your writing might not shift the entire world, but it will shift the world of those who read it. So keep writing.


@_GallysGirl_ Well said!! And all these responses are so heart warming! c:


@_GallysGirl_ I might seem like some silly chick, but I've always enjoyed reading what you write, even if I'm not very active or read on here much anymore. Like you said, people will scoff and call some writing "cringe," but to everyone out there, there will always be people who your writing is right for, fun to read for, exciting for and who just want to freak out with you. I don't write much, but this really encouraged me to be more confident in what I create: my art. Like she said, it's important to have fun and know that, hey, your writing or art or whatever will never be perfect, but it sure will be good for you at the time <3


@_GallysGirl_ I don’t remember what was in it. I’d have to find it and if I still have it, I don’t know where it is


I remember reading Gally Imagines in 2018. It was beautiful and well written. I came back to it recently and it brought back so many memories. I got to fall in love with him all over again. God bless. 


@Ariezbish420 Oh wow! You discovered the Imagines back then?! Ah!  That's so  great! Haha, aw, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the story, that really means a lot to me. Thank you!  I hope you're having a wonderful week. God bless you as well!


Hi, I hope you are well. I absolutely love your Gally imagines, I've got like 5 more chapters to go u till finished and I just wanted to say well done, your writing is amazing and tour your imagination. You inspired me to write my own story which I started today. I hope you are having a great day. God bless x


Hey @Gallys_Girllll ! I am doing great, thanks you! I hope you're doing well too!  And thank you, thank you, thank you!! It makes me so happy that you enjoyed the story! ✨ And that you started your own?! Girl, that is EPIC!! AH! I'm so excited for you! I just know it's going to be amazing.  Keep on writing and God bless!


the location in your bio is my mood right now hahaha, how are you doing!


@avengersazzemble Whoa, sorry for the late reply! I just saw your response. Oooh, ugh lockdown. That's no fun. xP But staying productive is a great goal, seriously good for you! Also (since you wrote your wonderful response back in January) I hope you are free from lockdown by now.  Have an incredible rest of your day! God bless!


I'm glad you're doing good!! I'm doing okay thank you, we're in lockdown again where I'm from so that sucks. Just trying to use the time well and stay productive, it's why I'm so grateful for Wattpad right now!!


@avengersazzemble Haha, right?  I'm doing great, thanks so much for asking! How are you, you awesome spectacularness? 