Didn’t realize messages are no longer a thing, but i just wanted to check in and say I’m sorry for dropping off the face of the earth there for so long, had sooo much going on. Anyways, I hope you are doing well :)

@YouThoughtYouKnewMe Okie dokie! I resent it! Hopefully it goes through this time, lol. xD And yeees, fall is very nice. ^U^

@_GallysGirl_ hey! Yes I think it didn’t go through, I checked spam but nothing :/ Thanks! It’s the most beautiful time of the year :)

@YouThoughtYouKnewMe Hey! So I emailed you back in August, not sure if you received it? Maybe it went to spam? Who knows. Just wanted you to know that I did indeed email you, haha. I can send it again if it didn't go through or something. Anyway! I hope that you and your family are having a wonderful fall season! God bless!!