
Hey, guys! I know I haven't been updating and I'm sorry to that I'm not going to be continuing with 'Second Chances'. And I am really sorry for getting your hopes up, it's just that I need time to think about where the plot is going. But don't worry it's just for the time being. Sorry, again. Love you all!


Hey, guys! I know I haven't been updating and I'm sorry to that I'm not going to be continuing with 'Second Chances'. And I am really sorry for getting your hopes up, it's just that I need time to think about where the plot is going. But don't worry it's just for the time being. Sorry, again. Love you all!


Hi Geek2theMax I like the quote you have in your bio I also love John Green. Your story is good by the way keep writing it. So follow back and check out my books maybe? If you ever have the time.


@AlaskaYoungFox  OMG, Nerdfighter? say yes! anway thank you so much for liking my book and reading it, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it if you have any. It means a lot to me! and I will hopefully get to writing chapter one although i don't think it'll be long. come back soon! :)


Hey guys! So as you can see I have posted somthing! Finally! And  I'm only going to continue if I see that I have reached my goals. So please, vote, comment! AND if anybody knows how to make covers or knows somone else who does, please notify me because I really want an awesome cover! Thank you!