
Hey guys. I just remembered my password for this account sooooo I guess I'm back now. Also age reveal cuzzzzzz I don't think any of y'all know unless we know each other irl. I'm 17 lol. I just love writing.


Hi everybody. Just to let you all know I'm not dead lol. But im thinking about starting an original book. With my own characters and evey thing. It will be my usual writing style just a completely new and original every thing. I've always been into writing and I've short stories here and there but never been able to complete them. But I think I'm gonna try this time, love you all. Xoxox~


'm very much in the writing mood rn. and was wondering what yall would want to see/read. Im currently working on two books. My reddit crew book and a tlou book about Joel. If yall have any other requests let me know or if you have anyone in particular you want to see in the reddit crew book let me know.


Hey everyone, Today is my birthday! As a treat for you all I think I'll get at least a chapter up today or tomorrow. I know I haven't been updating my kwite x reader book but I'm actually thinking about deleting it and just making a redditcrew x reader one-shot book. Let me know what ya'll think!


@_Ghost_Candy_ do it! (if you still want to though) 


Hey guys. I have a question for all my followers and just anyone who reads my stuff. Which book do you think deserves some more updates this weekend? I'm thinking about getting a couple chapters out in my dsmp book, but I think I might also update my Kwite x Reader book. Idk, let me know lol.


@Ennard02_39 okay lol, I'll work on some today it might be up by tonight or tomorrow! 


@_Ghost_Candy_ Please the Kwite x reader, I love your dream smp stiff, but I must have more


Hey guys. I've been pretty active on here working on some different books. I think I'm falling out of my minecraft/dsmp phase. I'm getting back into the misfits and old lunchclub stuff again. I will be writing books about that for now. I hope you guys understand. If ya'll have any recomedatins about if I should start a lunchclub book (Without carson) Or a book about a specific person in the misfits group or lunchclub or goopcast PLEASE let me know. OKAY BYEEEEEEE <33333