
Eros yawned, "Sorry for the sudden leave, I still have unfinished business to deal with."


@Hades_God ((Me? Or the poptarts? Either way, youre right.))


@Hades_God ((-nuzzles- Oh, hush! Poptarts are just evil. Like me. >:D))


@Hades_God ((-flicks ear.- Well. I can eat them.))


((To my babes Magi, Mona, and Jenny: 
          Whether near or far
          I am always yours
          Any change in time
          We are young again
          In these coming years
          Many things will change
          But the way I feel
          Will remain the same
          Im in a sappy mood.
          Deal with it.
          And if you dont,
          Fuck you all. t-.-t ))