Do you love Seventeen? Is shipping the deal? China line anyone? Well I’ve got a story for y’all. Check it out! Lil’ Liu has been working really hard! Is gonna be dope!
Do you love Seventeen? Is shipping the deal? China line anyone? Well I’ve got a story for y’all. Check it out! Lil’ Liu has been working really hard! Is gonna be dope!
Since Summers back in town (thank god) I’ll be on Wattpad roleplaying a lot more often! I’m excited to see everyone again. I decided to start fresh with a new username and everything. I’m feeling gooooodddd~
HEEEEYYYYY GUESS WHO MIGHT COME BACK TOO WATTPAD?!?!?! Horseyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! (@CoffeeHorse_Writes) Spread the work people, well at least the ones who actually look at my board.
Drama freaking sucks. Why can't everyone just get along and NOT hate each other. What a nice birthday gift. I'm sorry to everyone who's going through drama. I pray that everything works in your favor. Everyone deserves some peace.