

Anthony stared at the deer, raising a eyebrow "The hell happened to you"


            He hesitantly took his hand. "Azazel, it's a pleasure to meet you.." 


            "It's alright darling" He cooed, holding out his hand "How about we try this again shall we? My name is Tony"


            "Oh.. sorry.." he said, looking at the floor. 


"Ah, a new face around here!" Alastor observed the other version of him. "I must say I sort of look decent in blue, but it is quite jarring to see." It was always interesting to run into new demons, even more intriguing when they looked familiar.


            "Splendid! I would be charmed to show you around." Alastor expressed his enthusiasm by putting an arm around the other deer. "I suppose in some way I am you. In the same way you are me. That is to say, we're some version of each other. It's best not to think too much about it."


            "That would be nice.." he nodded, his tail wagging a bit. "So.. you're actually me, then..?"


            "Ah! Well if you want some company or want someone to show you around I would be more than delighted to." He stood a little taller as he appointed himself this new position of tour guide. "Only if you'd like of course, I won't force my company upon you." 


Angel was on the couch with his headphones on, he had his head layed back with his eye's closed as he hummed along with the music


            "Sorry again" He sniffled and left


            His ears pinned down and he looked away


            "no I can go.. I have work anyway" He muttered quietly, standing up


[Alright, this guy isn't turning out how I want him to so I'm gonna try my hand at 2P Alastor 
          It will still definitely fit the match with @_Antlers_ while being opposites!
          He's Antlers
          I'm Hooves
          Those are pretty much opposites, being on completely different ends of the animal
          I think it makes sense
          So slight NSFW warnings for this account from now on, so beware
          He's very touchy and flirty, and that's all I know so far.] 


            [He is ready for rp, let's get this personality down] 