
Sorry for the long delay folks! I've been taking a class at EFSC to help break my social anxiety do I've been busy.
          	Though I'm in a good mood RN and I feel like writing, so episode 4 of THOTRS will come with time


Aaaaaaand there goes the #1 on #klk lmao
          I have a bit of an important update, that being that Episode 4 of THOTRS isn't gonna come out for a little while.
          I am still working on it, yes, I even have a lot of future episodes planned. I just lost my writing mojo again, Kerbal Space Program is EXTREMELY addicting for people like me lmao.
          But I'll try and work on Episode 4 today anyways, it's ~1/4th done after approx. 3 days of on/off work.


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
          I thought that you guys would find my writing to be cringy shit when I first published The House of the Rising Sun, but APPARENTLY, you guys love it! THANK YOU ALL! All 414 viewers and all 19 Engaged Readers! You're breathtaking!!
          Episode 4 is still in the works as I type this so don't forget about me in the meantime!


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
You mfers know that the movie "Avatar" is getting like 4 sequels, yeah? A Pentology? Apparently, James Cameron gave the scripts of the sequels to some executive developer or some shit and the ONE and ONLY response James got was, I shit you not, "HOLY FUCK.
          The OG Avatar was an excellent film IMO, The Way of Water wasn't as good but still certainly great too, BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME I LITERALLY CANNOT TELL IF THAT IS A GOOD "HOLY FUCK" OR A BAD "HOLY FUCK", GODDAMNIT CAMERON NOW YOU'VE GOT ME TENSE