
Updating my book and will post a chapter soon once everything has been revised. It’s currently under a major construction. Thanks and have a beautiful day. 


Sooo...I gotta new phone, and I'll be updating a new chapter next week. With that being said, I would like for you guys to stop BLOWING my dm up with threats, and I'm taken... happily taken. Thank you have a nice day. 


You not slick niq niq where my scene


@pinchabitch chiiiiilllll lmao


I knew it NUN


@pinchabitch brrruuuuhhh, you stalking a nigga now. Lmfaooo, but yeah kinda, i told y'all I'm the angel in my group of friends. 


Thanks for voting on my story❤


@_TupacsQveen_ I had to tell their story lmao but Thank you again I appreciate it alot ❤


@_PrincessLexx Your welcome, i love all of your books. I was shocked you made a sequel for waves, which i thank you for that. 