Hello people! Long time no see. If you can’t tell I’ve been very MIA for the past year. I’m sorry for everyone who has liked my books in the past. I’ve had many reasons to stay away from Wattpad, the first being Wattpad really doesn’t like me ( sadly ) at the height of my activity I had a popular book in the ABDL / kink community (My little sissy boy) that for some reason Wattpad didn’t like, even though there are far more mature / sexual books on this app. They ended up deleting MLSB. So I decided I would rework it keeping the same story but make it better. They deleted that too. Another reason is I simply forgot the pass word to this account. I don’t really use Wattpad anymore or read / write fanfic so it didn’t truly bother me. If many people are interested I may write something knew but I can’t say Wattpad won’t get rid of it like they did with MLSB. I am also getting older and outgrowing my writing style, and the public Abdl / Tbdl. A lot of people don’t realize this but I made the account in the summer between middle school and my freshman year of high school. I have now since graduated high school (last month actually) and turned 18. I’ Im looking to try new things and maybe write again if people would like to see new things, I remember really enjoying writing and seeing people enjoy my work ( thank you for 200 followers btw ) it’s really up to Feed back I get on this status. I assume most of my followers has also outgrown Wattpad but I won’t know until I hear for the people. Sorry this is so long. I’ll always love and appreciate y’all ❤️