On 27th of January 2004, a gorgeous, healthy girl was born. She had whole ocean in her eyes and her hair was dark as coal. Her parents were beyond happy. Their joy couldn't be explained through words. Yes, she was their first daughter. 

Years went by and this girl had grown up; her eyes no longer held the ocean, but rather, a forest. Some people would compare her eyes to a gem. Jade. Maybe an emerald. Her black hair was no longer black; it was chocolate brown. She had the most beautiful of Arabian features, this was what made her unique.

Growing up, she was never really accepted. She always tried so hard to fit in, make herself noticed by people. What she didn't know was that she was never meant to fit in. She was meant to stand out.

She was meant for greatness. She had God given gifts that none other had, but instead of being grateful, she wasted years and years of her life chasing something she wasn't meant to have. She always thought she wasn't good enough. She didn't notice how her imperfections made her look...perfect.

It was when she turned 14 that she realised how stupid she really was. She realised that she was perfect the way she is. The kindness, that people sometimes mistook for weakness, was her strength. Her power. Her gift.

Now, she's living life the way she should've lived it a long time ago, with a big, bright smile. A smile that warms a heart. A smile the revives the soul. A smile that says, I love you just the way you are.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the story of yours truly. The journey I went through was hard, yes. However, it has made me accept myself. And see the world from another perceptive. This journey taught me a lot of things and it still hasn't taught me everything. I would've mentioned everything, but then you'd be bored. Wouldn't you?!
  • In a World Where the Past is the Future and the Future is the Past
  • Üye olduDecember 29, 2016

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