
Mistletoe will not come out this year!


Oml so today is my birthday and my Lola (grandma) got me jewelry for my birthday, in it was a pair of earrings and a necklace. I hadn't gotten my ears pierced yet so we figured 'why not'. When I got them pierced and all over with a little later I passed out for 10mins. Mind you I have stress related asthma, anxiety, I had gotten 4-5 hours of sleep AND I skipped breakfast and lunch because I was insanely nervous. 
          And I thought my birthday would be uneventful . . .


Okay . . . so I'm not dead
          Anyway new stuff coming soon : Username, profile picture and a new book -w-
          I know amazing right! (Note the sarcasm)
          Anyway I don't need a cover cuz I already made one
          The book will be based off this song.
          The name of the book is :Take A Drunk Girl Home
          Like the song. . . AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH COUNTRY MUSIC. . . . then that's fine just don't come at me.
          Any chance I could get copyrighted? If so could you please notify me so I can change the title.
          Mk now I can go die, cya


So I had originally planned on releasing VASERI in the beginning of June but there's been a change of plans. I'll be releasing it towards the middle of June instead.
          I'm also TRYING to work on some cover ideas and I have one but I need to find a perfect image. If you do have a cover or an idea you'd like to share feel free to DM me about it.
          BYU and have an amazing day because you're amazing! <3


          Anyone who has heard of the "Momo Challenge" please please please PLEASE promise that if you're reading this you won't do it, if not quit reading and go screw yourself.
          Its not funny to listen to "IT"  because what  "IT" is doing to people, people who are alive, people who might have a purpose, PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT WHAT "IT" IS SAYING IS ACTUALLY TRUE AND ITS OKAY TO LIE TO YOUR PARENTS BECAUSE YOU DONT WANT YOUR PHONE TAKENN AWAY!! this is actually stupid! 
          I dont have enough brain power right now to finish writing this but stay away I got nightmares and I finally got over being afraid of the dark and that screwed THAT up so yeah byeeeeeeeeeeeee


Aw bless you, just got this in my notifications, that challenge has really messed up my sister and she’s became too afraid to even go onto a device now, I hope your fear of the dark recovers, I wish you luck <3