it was about two hours : thirty-four minutes : and ten seconds after the death of bf and gf. the mario's and luigis of the cartridge have unfused from ultra M. Turmoil , the runt of the group , had a sense of pride to himself, considering M allowed him to take the kill shot to bf.  Now he's here , observing the dead body before him. 


            In the background, the other horrid entities that live within this cartridge began to part ways back to their worlds. Turmoil, on the other hand, followed behind M like a loyal dog , mouth drooling about the lifeless bodies that he carried. ❝  What about  daddy dearest ... what if he finds out about his daughter ?❞  he asked , though not doubting that M mostly likely already has a plan covered for that. 


            Footsteps moved closely towards turmoil. "Quite the sight, isn't it my fellow creature? Talk-a about a job-a WELL done!" M’s voice had said, the formally Video game entrepreneur—now Overlord inside the 'mario' video game cartridge— was pleased, very pleased by the outcome of his Vengeance against Daddy Dearest… killing his daughter and that blue haired piece of /shi—/
            … Blue haired /midget/, was more easier than expected… "Now, as-a for these two bodies... hehe, I'll be-a taking these two... consider it-a new addition to the gang!" M snickered as he picked up girlfriend and boyfriends' bodies. "We can't-a have anything... grisly, happenin' to these-a two, now can we?"


[OH EM GEE?!?! Also very srry for the late drop.Currently in Orlando]
          Oh…and who may u be? (The archangel tilted their head,raising an eyebrow in confusion.)


            Mario…Interesting name… (Their voice was deep and graveling,leaning down to get a better look at 'Mario'.) I am the Archangel Gabriel.I came from Mandela County.I just decided to explore a bit while the county was…quiet recently. (Gabriel says,leaning back to their full height.)


            "Well, ah, ain't ya a tall one. Heh heh, It's-a-me, MARIO…almost-a!" 'Mario' responded to the archangel, his voice..mixed of Mario and something…dark. "Mamma mia, You're a long way from home, ain'tcha? not where ya belong, eh?"