
this message may be offensive
hi! I don’t know if anyone still uses this but I managed to log back into my account. I started this when I was 12-13 and I am now 18 (Holy SHIT I’m old) - I’m just here to look back on everything and GOD was I a mess.
          	Anyway I would just like to thank everyone who read my story or followed me or wrote fanfic in general, y’alls shit kept me going. I won’t be posting to this acc anymore, if you couldn’t tell by the 5 years of inactivity, but idk man I’m just like.. in awe.. 
          	girl I-
          	Reading my shit is making me psychically wanna puke but that is okay all that matters is GROWTH
          	Keep goin y’all life really is worth it.


this message may be offensive
hi! I don’t know if anyone still uses this but I managed to log back into my account. I started this when I was 12-13 and I am now 18 (Holy SHIT I’m old) - I’m just here to look back on everything and GOD was I a mess.
          Anyway I would just like to thank everyone who read my story or followed me or wrote fanfic in general, y’alls shit kept me going. I won’t be posting to this acc anymore, if you couldn’t tell by the 5 years of inactivity, but idk man I’m just like.. in awe.. 
          girl I-
          Reading my shit is making me psychically wanna puke but that is okay all that matters is GROWTH
          Keep goin y’all life really is worth it.