Idk how late it is where you're coming from, but here it's saturday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I wish you all the best, stay how you are - adorable, cute and awesome, and don't let anyone bring you down! I hope, that in your new year of life, you'll get to make many new experiences, good AND bad (cause that's life and it will make you grow even stronger) and I hope you know, that I'm always there and always will be here for you to talk to :)))) I know, we haven't known each other for THAT long (little over a month, right? ;) but you're a great friend of mine and I love talking and joking with you. I hope we'll stay like that and will have many more stupid conversations in the future ;) Ily, you can always come to me and talk about everything, I'll be there listening.
So, I wish you a happy birthday, Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und Saengil - juk- ha -hae -yo (had to google it lol) and for many better days to come <3 <3
love you,
Laura <3