
I got so scared when Wattpad sent me a message about a story I've "previously written before" because I thought it was something really bad but it was just a message about a contest. So I got scared over nothing XD 


@_Kooky_ Exactly. Only YOU... XD


@_Kooky_ omg. I feel like this is something only you would do. XD


I got so scared when Wattpad sent me a message about a story I've "previously written before" because I thought it was something really bad but it was just a message about a contest. So I got scared over nothing XD 


@_Kooky_ Exactly. Only YOU... XD


@_Kooky_ omg. I feel like this is something only you would do. XD


I'm alive! And I can see people are impatient as I've lost a few followers already XD 
          I've said before that updates aren't going to be frequent, especially now that my laptop broke and I don't do well with typing on my phone. But it's okay, I'll manage and do my best to give you people something to read! 
          On the other hand, I'm internally laughing and crying over the fact that I've unknowingly made a character in my book, "Paper Boats," have a stripper name *face palm* I'm so sorry Delilah! X'D


This feeling... Why...? I'm already in a comfy burrito blanket...? But the feeling to open my curtains and my blinds for natural light is too much... 


            SAME! I always forget something across the room! >.<


I face this struggle almost everyday XD 


            The struggle XD


@_Kooky_  If you hadn't read mine and your sister's conversation you'll know that Thursday was utter hell for me. I was crying in science and my friends were so concerned but I could tell them because they wouldn't understand. But when your sis told me you were out I was so happy. I was sitting in art club on my phone waiting to be updated when I got a text saying that you were out. And of course as I told you I would probably suffer depression for you, and I didn't eat that day at all. So after she told me that you were asleep and out, I got up and grabbed a bunch of food off the table and stuffed my face with literal tears in my eyes. I was so unbelievably happy. THANK YOU MAH CHOCOLATE CHIP KOOKY FOR MAKING ME HAPPY AGAIN!!


GURL! DON'T BE STARVING YOURSELF FOR ME! And I'm sorry that you went trough all of that :/


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been updating but I've been going in and out of hospitals for personal reasons so I won't be updating anytime soon. For those that wants to know what personal reasons then I don't mind telling but only in private. There might be a short story coming up soon called "My Vivid Dream" so yeah! You can check that out when it happens. Also, thank you for 50 followers! Wow, I was surprised to even get 10 followers! XD