
this message may be offensive
          	I FUCKED SO BAD OH M Y       G                         O                                         D
          	I swear to fUcKiNg GoD why can't I talk to my crush like a normal human being, not a weird awkward idiot I-
          	I think I'll just cry silently in my closet-


i wish i could help you but i have literally zero experience in that :( 


this message may be offensive
          I FUCKED SO BAD OH M Y       G                         O                                         D
          I swear to fUcKiNg GoD why can't I talk to my crush like a normal human being, not a weird awkward idiot I-
          I think I'll just cry silently in my closet-


i wish i could help you but i have literally zero experience in that :( 


this message may be offensive
Don't you just hate it, when you think you know when's your crush's birthday, but at the same time you're scared you might be wrong, and you'd ask him, since you're friends and all that, but you don't want him to have any expectations because you're a dumb bitch who's noy good at thinking of gifts for people + it would probably turn out awkward, because yet again you're a dumb bitch, so you just kinda start overthinking and worrying, because it won't seem like you care about him, and that's the only way you can show your affection?? Am I rIgHt???? 


"No worries about the protests in Hong Kong you've mentioned in your email that you have a lot of other crises going on in the world right now and I hope you either get raped or bullied in the morning so you can figure out what to do" is what my autocorrect told me today, amen


Damn, in those two good friend groups I'm in I literally pushed myself on those people. There was no "Can I be your friend" question asked, I just kinda started hanging out with them.
          But thats ok, because now I see a reason as to why would they dislike me, so I no longer have to be like "damn they probably hate me for no reason", now I actually have an argument