Honestly, this might sound weird, but yeah, I cry when I write. Like, I’m right there in the moment, picturing the scene so vividly, living it. The frustrating part is I feel like I can’t put those emotions into words exactly how I want my readers to feel.
This story? It’s not just a story to me. The characters are little pieces of me, different sides of who I am. Writing feels like I’m having a conversation with myself. (I know it's weird ) Almost like giving myself advice, figuring out what I’d do or say in certain situations. That’s probably why my story leans so much on dialogue, it’s less “traditional novel” and more... conversation. (But I still do my best to at least be descriptive)
Maybe that’s why some of you find my story relatable, well because it’s personal, and I pour so much of myself into it. So yeah, to answer your question @kittymonsteur , I do cry when I write. Readers crying along with me (if there are any) is a huge win for me.