
Do you guys think I should make a tiktok account? 
          	And if you do, what type of content would you like to see from me?


I'm in need of a savior (savior), but I'm not asking for favors 
          My whole life, I've felt like a burden
          I think too much, and I hate it 
          I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring 
          Loving never gave me a home, so I'll sit here in the silence
          Lyrics from the song Silence by Marshmallow ft. Khalid
          Pretty much a resume of how I've been feeling like crap


So, guess what?
          I always thought that my severe attention problems and my long day-to-day scenario daydreaming was completely normal. Turns out I was wrong and now I possibly have two more mental desorders to add to the previous two:
          Old ones:
          Newly discovered:
          -Maladaptive daydreaming
          P.S. I'm a crappy 14 year old girl whose life is incredibly sad and yet, I don't really care, well, I do and don't at the same time.


@ AlyaGranger17  I'm a little better. I told my mom about my anxiety, she didn't get it but it was nice to get it off my chest
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Lately I've been feeling better because I told my best friend: @StrangerElgirl how I feel and now I don't feel like a total loser.


@ EmeraldWitch-S  Luv u too
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@EmeraldWitch-S You'll never been a total loser and you dont have to feel a total loser 
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You have been chosen to be showered with love. 
          Post this to everyone's wall that you think deserve your love 
          1 back and your loved 
          3 back and your popular 
          5 back and your the most lovable person in the world 
          9 back and holy crickets I'm jealous 
          Ur great just the way u are.  People do care including myself.  My in box is open when you need it. You don't have to send this back,  but I hope ur OK. -lilly


I am not okay. 
          I feel like nobody gets me.
          My mother always says that I'm lazy and that I shouldn't be cooped up in my room and reading on my phone all the time but that's the only thing that keeps me from remembering how sad I actually am.
          My stepfather doesn't seem to care, he's a lazy pickle.
          My father BARELY talks to me, unless I talk to him first.
          My older sister lives telling me that I shouldn't talk the way I do, I shouldn't act the way I do.
          My younger sister BREATHES telligg me she's better than me and criticizing me.
          My younger brother is the only one that doesn't actually hurt me, but he's just 5, so he really can't.
          I'm suffering here. Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I just stop reading and cry my eyes out until I can't feel anymore. I have to hold tears in when I'm with my family because they won't get it, I never talk with people because I feel like I don't belong there, I never voice my opinions because I feel like I'm shutting others out.
          I don't know what I feel or how I feel.
          As I said in the beginning:
          I am not okay


@EmeraldWitch-S You literally just described my life. Even the older and younger sister. And he 5y/o brother. So I understand. I'll never judge you. I'll always listen. I'm here if you need someone. 
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@EmeraldWitch-S I’m really sorry, I understand what it’s like when no one understands. If you need to talk or need someone to cheer u up, I’m here!
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@EmeraldWitch-S oh gosh!  I'm so sorry !! I can talk when ever!  Just message me!  Because,  trust me,  I understand.  I'm not just saying that.  It will be OK.  It will get better.  Just,  if you ever need to talk,  my in box is always open. 
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