
Chapter ONE is out of PROJECT LILIATH. No idea why that's in caps but OMG i am excited! Please read... :)


Mind reading my books? Maybe give me an opinion on them?


Haha, thanks!


@De_La_ Ya we will read them like right now because I have like no life and I'm pretty sure they are going to be AWESOME 


I started a book called Book of Misfit Wonders, and  FireState. There my first little series of things. The first one, Book of Misfit Wonders, is kinda just random songs I wrote, gay one shots, and poems. The second one has a hot main character(Dylan O'Brian, obviously). Anyways please check them out and give me feedback. Bye now I have to go read fanfiction about gay ships and over obsess about gay relationships that have like no chance of ever existing in the real world, maybe.