@KangSuengLee 안녕하세요~ Hello, fellow reader! I'm flattered you want me to teach you Korean, however, due to my schedule and my lack of Korean, I don't think I would be a good teacher. But there are some tips I can give you!
There are countless online videos that teach Korean and overall pretty accurate to learn from. I suggest watching those videos, write Korean whenever you can and sometimes pronounce it often. Learning a new foreign language is difficult so don't give up. It took me a few years in Korea to finally get the hang of the language. I think the probably the best method is actually having someone who experienced Korean culture/language etc. close by. They can pronounce words, show you how to write, and teach you A LOT better (modern)Korean than just a translator.
However, if you can't find someone, you can always just watch videos daily, write daily and pronounce Korean characters.