
Hey lovelies!! I just published 6 chapters for Rooming with the bad boy. I'm so sorry that I've been inactive for like this past year. 2017 was a really rough year, but I plan on writing more!!


ATTENTION TO ANY OF MY FANS/FOLLOWERS: I have recent updated Rooming With The Bad Boy. It's only the first few chapters. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update more, but it turns out that when I was on homebound, I had a lot of homework. When I returned to school it was even worse. I WAS FAILING TWO CLASSES. School definitely comes first, as much as I hate it. I hope you enjoy my updated story.


I know it has been a while since I have written anything new, I plan on changing that. I recently was in an accident -- luckily nothing major -- but I have been put on homebound schooling due to my injuries and I actually have time to write. I was just reading over my work. It is so poorly written and un-original. So, I have decided to go back through one story at a time and edit and possibly add a few twists to make them my own. Once I do this I'll be sure to let everyone know!


Coucou ^_^ tu pourrais s'il te plaît jeter un œil sur ma fiction et me dire ce que tu en penses ? merci d'avance <3


@_Lena_Marie_ oui je pense que c'est ça :) 


@MashtonKeeper il pourrait simplement être la traduction .