
I wan cuddwes :(


          I'm back. 
          I haven't been able to slip much and I've been offline, so, sorry. 
          It's been quite hectic since I last updated. 
          I decided to keep my phone number the same. It was my birthday and my dad sent a card saying he was sorry and I had a big breakdown on my birthday night and didn't go in the next day. I got a cat called Luna. 
          I have figured out I'm actually tri-gender which is female, male and non-binary. 
          Also, my friend found out I have a crush on someone and keeps bugging me about it but I can't tell her because she's actually my crush. 


this message may be offensive
Okay, so, I need to vent. I know no one cares but I need to get this off my chest. 
          So, my dad left a voicemail on Wednesday saying that if I don't call him back, he is going to meet me at my school. I didn't go to school on Thursday or Friday and I'm fucking terrified to go back. 
          I hate it so much. My dad has hurt me beyond belief and he is doing this. I've been scared to leave my house because of him. I've hid in my room for three day, crying and hurting myself because I'm such a bad daughter. I always tried to make him happy but I realised the only things that make him happy are alcohol and my brother. 
          Whenever he called, it was always, "Is K**** there? He hasn't been picking up" or "Put your brother on the phone". He always used to tell me that I was meant to be a boy and I ended up questioning my own gender identity (I've discovered I'm bi-gender btw). I mean, he did help me figure that out but it was so damaging for a 7 year old to listen to her dad tell her that she's not right, was a mistake and shouldn't even be here. 
          I don't know where this is going but I never want to see that man again. I even have to get my phone number changed because I don't know what I'll do if he leaves another voicemail. I had a big ass breakdown on Wednesday because of the one he left. 
          I don't know, I guess I feel like I failed him....
          Sorry for the rant, I'm gonna go now.


@_LittleMo_ I’m so sorry for everything, but please come to school tomorrow, I miss you...


Chu know what I want? I wan cuddwes!


@Flamefox01 hehe hewwo *cuddwes chu back*


@_LittleMo_ *cuddles chu* hi hi molly~


I feew weawwy sad an wonwey ☹️ someone hug meeeeee 


@little-chu hehe, I wove chu too bestie!!


@_LittleMo_  *gasps softwy* weally? Yaya t’ankies!! *huggles chu tightwy* I wuv chu bwestie~!!


Sooo, I gonna be stawtin my wittaw space chawwange again but shouwd I do aww de days I missed ow shouwd I jus continue wike I nebew stopped?


@little-chu otay i wiww do dat


            I t’ink chu shouwd catch up on de days chu missed out on so dat peepwe can get to no chu bettew hehe~~