
Update " LOVE IS SWEET " 


Hey author you know here is known someone as "jannat " but i cannot find her. It is long time i cannot connect with her. We also talk in snapchat most all sharing little things but my snapchat got delete.I am really missing her. I am leaving here massage if she can find this i want to give her my number so that we can talk more . I am really missing her. (╥﹏╥)


@Bd357690 I don't know bun, but if I see the I'd anywhere I'll surely inform you❤


Update!!! DESTINATION WITH YOU ~❤❤ please go and check it out loves, I'm so sorry for not updating regularly.. I have been busy, and not exactly having time to write chapters. But will try to update HIS INNOCENCE on Monday... What say? Let me know munchkins ❤(^з^)-☆Chu!! Thanks you all❤❤(͡°³͡°)


HIS INNOCENCE 12 chapter is put now, please go and check it out buns.... And what you want next update??? 


@_Little_heart_00 hey bun, thanks for asking... Yup I'm fine but just gotta busy with my work... I will update soon bun... Thanks again(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡


@_Little_heart_00 hi author... How are you ??
            I hope you are doing good...
            I just wanted to ask you that when will update chapter 13 of " HIS INNOCENCE"..


Hi how are you doing author please update your story his innocence miss you ❤️


@SaiKarkhanasi hey bun, I'm doing well now. And yeah I updated it, please go and check out. Miss you too bun(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡❤


@_Little_heart_00  Thank you so much ❤️❤️