
Happy 4th of July whoever celebrated it! (It’s 1:30 AM for me but Srry for the late announcement)


Nah I have my friend my login to this acc (they’re online) and they wrote some weird stuff  I don’t think it was shown but I should probably change my password because I won’t post stuff like that  I just found out now so if it’s been there and you saw it please lmk I told them specifically not to add or write / post anything I’m not sure what it was but I deleted them 


God dang emojis 


New story will be delayed because designs are still in the making and updated and I have school work to get to a band performance soon so I won’t be active as much next week but I will work on it more this weekend I WILL KEEP YALL UPDATED !!


this message may be offensive
As I said I was taking a break but late announcement! I will be doing a face reveal soon when I get my hair cut and orthodontist appointment over with so be expecting! Fly High Technoblade / Alex And Fuck Cancer!. ♥︎