
I'm so sorry guys I was having my bad days I'm not fine just tired and lil broken my best friend hurt me lately and she thought That I'm a bitch ,but ahhh man I get used to this people hurting me and my fuckin sweet heart doesn't hurting them back But this is the life and we should be strong right..... ,I had a bad depression no body knows about it because I make them feel like I'm happy I'm actullay not happy I'm so sorry for not writting any thing lately but I'll maybe after afew months cuz I'm lil busy at studing sorry again love u all my readers I wish that I could hug u all it will be amazing ➰


يا لا الحسرة علئ كاتبين يبدأون رواية و لا يكملوها و يدعون المتابعين بحسرة لأنهم قران الرواية


تستطيعين ان تقرأي روايتي الجديده على حسابي الآخر واتمنى ان تنال اعجابك
            اسم الحساب 


لن اكمل اي روايه بعد الآن عزيزتي♥️☹️


I'm so sorry guys I was having my bad days I'm not fine just tired and lil broken my best friend hurt me lately and she thought That I'm a bitch ,but ahhh man I get used to this people hurting me and my fuckin sweet heart doesn't hurting them back But this is the life and we should be strong right..... ,I had a bad depression no body knows about it because I make them feel like I'm happy I'm actullay not happy I'm so sorry for not writting any thing lately but I'll maybe after afew months cuz I'm lil busy at studing sorry again love u all my readers I wish that I could hug u all it will be amazing ➰


مريم هيا بحقك لماذا تفعلين هذه 
          نزلي بسرعه حبابه
          لماذا ؟!؟ اقول هذه 
          لانني وبصدق احببت رواياتك منذ زمن طويل 
          واكتشفت انك افضل واروع كاتبه 
          احبك-صديقتك من العراق 