
@MariaSuttonWasKenyon All my pleasure! Thank you for writing your amazing stories! :) Xxx


After I've finished my Captain America story, I'd either like to do a Loki fanfic, from the perspective of a Goddess who is betrothed to Loki, or a Sherlock fanfic, from the perspective of the new head of crime scene investigation. Please tell me which one you'd prefer because I don't know which one to do! Love you all!! X 


@heisselyn_evans Hello! I'm Maisie, I'm from London and... Well, ask me anything you want to know! ☺️


@_MaisieMay_ Cool! Texas is usually warm all year around. Sometimes, it doesn't even get cold at this time! It's currently like 69°F outside and it is very sunny. Where I live, we have some old timey building, but then we have some new modern day ones. In the center of Texas, it is very modern and it does snow a bit there, but I live at the way bottom and I don't see any snow at all. Some of us still go to the beach at this time of year, but you can't blame us. Our vocabulary also consists of "y'all" and "ain't", but we don't see that as incorrect grammar. We don't have a lot of fancy smanshy stuff, but we do have a lot of museums such as the battleship The Lexington or our state's Capital Building. What kind of attractions does London have?


London's nice, absolutely freezing though this time of year! Matches all the blue buildings, it makes it feel like they're made out of ice! Snow is strange, normally it falls kinda like little bits of crushed ice but once it hits the floor it turns into a slippery mess! Thank you very much for saying you like my books How's Texas?


@_MaisieMay_ how does London look like? I live in Texas which is in America. I really like your books, btw. Also, how does snow feel like? I live in the south of my state so it only snows only every one hundred years...