Today was my birthday. We went indoor skydiving and I got some combat boots. About half of my day was spent listening to my parents scream at each other though, so it was a bit traumatizing…
Hey Mattie remember how you said to yell at you if you ever go weeks without updating
Yeah I’m not gonna do that just worried
So you know a little response would soothe the mind
Anyway update soon
I’m kinda starting to miss you
Anywho see ya Mattie
Hey! Absolutely love your book! Read it in one day hope you update soon! Just wanted to tell you that you are really talented, and hope you update soon!!!!!! ❤️
Today was my birthday. We went indoor skydiving and I got some combat boots. About half of my day was spent listening to my parents scream at each other though, so it was a bit traumatizing…
Hello, @bombshellsmith is currently writing a gxg novel and would love it if you would give it a quick read. I'm sorry if this troubles you really, but it seemed that it is hard to attract supportive readers and engagement with no decent opinion on Wattpad from how the app is now in days. So please give it a read, and if you can, feedback would be so kind.