~My Goodbye Message~ No this isnt a suicide or anything This is just my last message goodbye, honestly it really weird how life works you think your gonna do this but in a flash in changes, I finished packing and I'm preparing to move back to Puerto Rico and honestly I'm sad about it I don't have a lot to say other than I enjoyed the little time I had here, and I enjoyed seeing familiar faces again and I love the few people that welcomed me to the family and I love the one that accepted me back even though we were only together for a while and I love my friends both the dumbasses and the assholes I'll miss you guys and I wish you well in life! I hope to meet you guys one day again! Anyway take care and have a good life! ~Min

@-IdioticKnight ~Yeah but thanks for being my friend and sticking with me through all of it , I'll give you a little something before I leave

@_MinChiro_ It was a crazy friend while it lasted Min, in all honest I'm crying from this right now knowing that I won't be able to see you again--- maybe by chance you'll come back here and I'll be able to punch for that student news to me, but if that's how it has to be then I love you man so take care while your down there and try not to die again you asshat- ❤