You beautiful and all my ex-'s have congratulations to our newborns, Kotero Kortez and Katerina Koala. You surprised me and you wanted to be equal to my other babymommas. We all friends. They have all moved on. I wish the fu*ck their gotdamn trouble making back up accounts stop interfering. My babies mommas not hating on you, Katina. Damn, watty been locking some role players out. Me too lol anyways, shout out to Karla, Kutie , RiRi, Lina, Berries, Trice, LoLo, Jazzy, Suzy, and now you Katina. On February 29 2020 I became Daddy again. Bump all them trigger happy haters. They mad mad. One tried to get my password but you got it all that matters. My ex finally gifted our lovely love and friendship with beautiful twins. Just mute the dumb asses. We happy and we still free to make friends. Some just wanna be the only ones to shine. Watch my home. I write novels not rant books. You my BooBae and I'm your Qui Delicio lol Smooches ❤❤❤ , ❤❤❤ ,
- Jace - & lil Jaceon ❤❤❤
#Much love ❤