

          You beautiful and all my ex-'s have congratulations to our newborns, Kotero Kortez and Katerina Koala. You surprised me and you wanted to be equal to my other babymommas. We all friends. They have all moved on. I wish the fu*ck their gotdamn trouble making back up accounts stop interfering. My babies mommas not hating on you, Katina. Damn, watty been locking some role players out. Me too lol anyways, shout out to Karla, Kutie , RiRi, Lina, Berries, Trice, LoLo, Jazzy, Suzy, and now you Katina. On February 29 2020 I became Daddy again. Bump all them trigger happy haters. They mad mad. One tried to get my password but you got it all that matters. My ex finally gifted our lovely love and friendship with beautiful twins. Just mute the dumb asses. We happy and we still free to make friends. Some just wanna be the only ones to shine. Watch my home. I write novels not rant books. You my BooBae and I'm your Qui Delicio lol Smooches ❤❤❤ , ❤❤❤ ,
          - Jace - & lil Jaceon ❤❤❤
           #Much love ❤


@gxnsmxke babe I’m tryna get like them 


this message may be offensive
            Today on February 29 2020 at 3:00 am we because the proud parents of Kotero Kortez and Katerina Koala lol. Those twin names are darling lol Right !!!!! I'm so fuc*kin happy ! I'm not worried about our stupid haters. They muted and some more gettin muted. lol if they get thru, i will roast the shi*t outta all them. Get som fuc*kin business of their got damn own tf ! Your ex- came into my pms crying that you left her with all yall kids? Yeah, but she cheated first so she got cancelled. I tried to console her but she cussed me out  so i cussed her skank ass back out. She said, I'm dat bitch ? Bitch itchin and burnin tf ! Congrats baby daddy on a day you can always count on meh , K ? We got a gorgeous tribe lol. A gorgeous Palace and too many baby shower gifts. Thanks to the twins Aunties. I see em on here lonely and leaving and all sad but they dont want a got damn man they want a fuck*in stud. They rather be alone if they cant have dat strap? must be gucci then bitches! lol You not no fuckin sperm donor either. They got screenshots, I got screenshots too. We happy as fuck !!!! I give zero fucks about them leaving, bye ishes. GO chase dat one MF, he tryin ta pass you Jace with fifty fuckin babies? by every sister on watty? Bet, I wont be havin dat Ninjas babies. BET !!!! 
            Katina Ivy Henry 
            Twins are 12 hrs old aww 
            February 29 2020 
            Birthdays in 2024 <3<3<3


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Your Chocolate Candy Day thread 
          You got lots of gifts from your ex lol 
          We both got fond memories 
          We always got each other 4Ever or 5EVER lol
          We are God-Parents to each other's kids (OOA) 
          We both love the color yellow that's no secret lol
          You say you single, but you got a man 
          Thanks for your thread it was so touching 
          They can't believe we still friends but bump em 
          You giggle at my other females, they think I'm sad 
          I stare at your photos and your many anons lol 
          You are blessed and not this freak some made you 
          Prettiest smile on Watty, hands down
          You happy because you don't fux with trouble makers
          We were in love and that's that, my other ex-'s cray cray
          So many got your Anon you number one Kay Kay lol
          Imma try and write a paragraph ;)
          Kay Kay,
          That body you got is a man Killa, goddamnnn. Stay away from kinky ass freaks. Don't let em nowhere near you babes. Tell to kiss your entire butt lol, because out of OOA, you would body a bitch with a quickness! There! Let em know lol! That's jelly and salty ass ish still got her many Anon accounts spying on us, but that ugly long face skinny neck ish can go get her arse rocked by a Greyhound. Lol !!! Had to get that out. Talking at me thru her fake ass accounts. Naw, she gon see this and faint. Stop meddling in other peeps bizzness before she get her shiid rocked. Ugly ass skinny long neck fuck*tard. We both hate dat back and forth shiid. I blocked dat begging trick hoe. Sorry Kay Kay! I had to let it be known. 
          Back to you Kay Kay! Much love on Valentine day and you too pretty to let a ish playing a pineapple to come anywhere close to your OOA real talk! It's best some don't post their real OOA and spoil everybody GD Valentine Day! LMAOOO. Thinking somebody wanna know they got babies by a fag-hag! Shit anit funny for real tho! Lmaooo 
          At the end of the day, they deserve to be by themselves for Valentines Day because they get their cellphones taken on the daily. That's what those silly biatches get


@purplehusband19  thank you daddy luv u too babes !!!!!  <3<3<3


@_MissEx_ Happy Mother Day sweetheart our twins KO & Lil Kat #MuchLove muahhhhhh


Happy Valentine Day Kay Kay


@purplehusband19  Baby daddy kiss you sweetheart on Mother's Day muuuahh !


@_Miss ex_ Katina Ivy Happy Mother's Day baby moma and our twins KO and Lil Kat ❤❤❤