
I somehow regained access to an account I made a while ago.... I didn't realize you could sign in without having to use the email- 
          	I made it during an all-nighter and I got locked out of the email the same night.... don't judge me-


my brother is saying he has an injury and we think its a pulled muscle, my mom wants to get him a doctor appointment for him.  no one cared when my hip hurt and i fell on the floor and couldnt get up, with my other brother sitting across from me and not caring one bit.  just saying.


oops i though i was on my other profile-


the book under my fanfictions in my bio that's called Star Rush is actually Star Dust I'm just too lazy to change it cause I'll have to go on my phone rewrite the word copy it paste it email it to myself and then copy and paste it to my bio and my phone's on down time so I'm just not gonna do it-