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OH NOVEL TIME OOPS BUT KINDA IMPORTANT?? Here's the problem... In these past two years... I have discovered I am aro/ace XD It basically means no romance and no sex ew (in my case *shrugs*). I continuously try to write a Contestshipping lemon (it was the first request I ever got), but my aceness gets in the way and I think: This is so stupid how could anyone like this it's legit stupid sex that I could never write realistically. However, I need to understand... That no one gives a shit about that. I thought people read smut to see the plot or just to read their otp having sex and that it needs to be really good to be likeable. Recently I realized that smut can be written like absolute shit and people will l o v e it. Is it only me that judges the plot? Yes? Okay... So if I can get that fear out of my head I can write, right? Wrong... I cringe writing it XD I wrote the amour lemon on a stupid whim and published it thinking no one would ever read it... T h a t s n o t w h a t h a p p e n e d . . . I legit can't even look at a word in it, and I can't even write a word in the Contestshipping lemon without dying inside. It's just hard for me, idk why I've never been able to get over it. Anyway, those are pretty much the major reasons I've had trouble writing. Plus my friends found this account-- Do you guys actually like that Amour lemon?? I don't see it lol